15 September 2023


The name of the organization shall be Rockenbaugh Elementary School Parent-Teacher Organization (RESPTO).


Who We Serve

The objective of the RESPTO is to serve the staff, teachers, and students of Rockenbaugh Elementary School, as well as community organizations with special needs.

Why We Serve

We are a service organization that offers our time, treasure, and talent. We also provide a corridor of communication between parents and the school community.

How We Serve

In keeping with the Core Values of CISD, we are a unified membership that serves on committees of interest and directs programs on behalf of, and for the benefit of, RES parents, students, faculty, and our surrounding community.


Section 1. The name RESPTO or the names of any members in their official capacities shall not be used in any connection with a commercial concern or with any partisan, religious, or political interest, or for any other purpose than the regular scope of work of the organization.

Section 2. RESPTO shall seek neither to direct the administrative activities of the school nor to control its policies.


Section 1. Membership is open to all members of the RES community upon payment of dues.

Section 2. Dues, if any, will be established by the Executive Board and may be revised at any time with a 2/3 vote during Executive Session.

Section 3. An annual membership drive shall be conducted from approximately mid- August through mid-September. Membership shall be available on an ongoing basis, and dues will be prorated after January 1st for families new to RES. Membership shall be valid for one (1) year and must be renewed each year to remain active.

Section 4. All Executive Board members, Committee Chairpersons, and PTO Volunteers must complete a background check as mandated by Carroll ISD and have paid their PTO dues by the close of the fall PTO Membership Drive, which typically occurs in mid- September. Any Executive Board Member or Committee Chair who has not fulfilled these obligations are ineligible to serve in their position and is subject to removal by a majority vote of the Executive Board.

Section 5. The RESPTO membership roster is to be revealed to the Executive Board only. A duplicate copy is to be made, and will be used for the RESPTO directory. The Secretary shall retain a copy.

Section 6. If dues are charged, a member must have paid his or her dues at least 14 calendar days before a general meeting to be considered a member in good standing with voting rights. After an eligible candidate for RESPTO membership pays their dues, that candidate shall become a member of the RESPTO and shall be entitled to one vote at general RESPTO meetings. In the case of parent members, membership is held by the family of the RES student, entitling each family living together to one vote and up to two listings in the RESPTO directory.

Section 7. Only current RESPTO members in good standing may vote on items presented at general meetings or on items circulated by the RESPTO for an online vote. The RESPTO General Membership shall be entitled to vote on the following matters:

- Election of Executive Board members

- Disbursement of RESPTO funds outside of the annual RESPTO budget, subject to

Article IX, Section 2. (See below)

Any other matters the Executive Board may request


Section 1. The dates and frequency of RESPTO General Membership meetings shall be approximately twice per semester during the active school year, as determined by the President and applicable RES staff. To the extent practicable, RESPTO will hold one evening meeting per year.

Section 2. Executive Board meetings shall be held monthly, with dates and times to be determined by the President and applicable RES staff.

Section 3. One percent (1%) of the current membership, including two (2) Executive Board members, shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at General Membership meetings.

Section 4. Special meetings of the organization and/or the Executive Board may be called by the President (or a majority of the Executive Board) with a minimum of two (2) days’ notice.


Section 1. The Executive Board of this organization shall consist of the following offices:

- President

- Secretary

- Treasurer

- VP of Fundraising

- VP of Special Events

- VP of Hospitality

- VP of Volunteers

- VP of Disbursements

- VP of Communications

- Principal (or his/her designee)

- Teacher Liaison (or his/her designee)

Section 2. The regular term of office for each Executive Board member shall be two (2) years. The Principal and Teacher Liaison of RES (or his/her designee) shall be an ex officio member of the Executive Board. All ex officio members shall be entitled to participate in meetings, discussions, and other RESPTO activities, but he/she shall not be entitled to vote on Executive Board matters.

Section 3. Election of the Executive Board members shall be held in March, with results presented to the General Membership as soon as the vote closes.

Section 4. Only members who have consented to serve may be eligible for election.

Section 5. To ensure a smooth transition, Executive Board members who are elected in March will work with the existing Executive Board through the end of the school year/ last day of school, at which time they officially assume their duties.

Section 6. Members of the Executive Board shall appoint a Chairperson for all Committees established during the applicable school year, with final approval of said Chairperson given by the President. Committees may vary from year to year, at the discretion of the Executive Board.

Section 7. No Executive Board member or committee chair shall serve more than two (2) consecutive years in the same capacity unless the Executive Board approves additional terms.

Section 8. In case of a vacancy in an elected office, the vacancy shall be filled as quickly as possible via a special General Membership election.

Section 9. If a vacancy occurs in the office of President, the Vice President of Communications will become the President. At the next regularly scheduled meeting, a new Vice President of Communications will be elected. If there is a vacancy in any other office, members will fill the vacancy through an election at the next regular meeting. Should the Vice President of Communications be unavailable or unwilling to take on the duties of President, the order of succession is thus: VP of Fundraising; VP of Special Events, VP of Disbursements; VP of Hospitality; VP of Volunteers; Secretary; Treasurer.

Section 10. In the event that every member of the Executive Board resigns or becomes otherwise unable to serve, the Principal shall appoint a new President from the RESPTO membership. The former President and Executive Board members may assist as practicable in the installation and transition to a new Executive Board. The Principal- appointed President shall conduct an election among the general membership to fill the rest of the Executive Board. The appointed President may choose to retain his/her appointed position as President or he/she may place the position of President up for election along with the rest of the Executive Board positions.

Section 11. Each Executive Board member & Committee Chair shall keep an updated record containing all information and paperwork pertaining to his/her duties. All relevant material will be relinquished to RESPTO upon completion of a term or upon resignation.

Section 12. RESPTO Executive Board members and Committee Chairs can be removed from office with or without cause by a two-thirds vote of those present (assuming a quorum) at a general meeting where previous written notice of the pending removal vote of at least three (3) days has been given to the person up for removal.


Section 1. President: The President shall preside at all meetings of the organization, and work closely with the Principal to understand and execute the vision of the RES administration. The President shall be a non-voting member, but only giving authority to vote during Executive Board meetings when a vote results in a tie. The President shall be an ex officio member of all committees except for the Nominating Committee (should one exist), and shall have the authority to appoint any special committees as needed. Authority also extends to the ability to sign checks on behalf of RESPTO.

Section 2. Secretary: The Secretary shall attend & record the minutes of all Executive Board and/or General Membership meetings. Minutes will be provided in a timely manner following the meeting. As Parliamentarian, the Secretary shall have parliamentary authority and shall make sure the organization is governed by maintaining Robert’s Rules of Order (Revised). The Secretary will oversee the many administrative aspects of the organization, and shall also serve as the President’s “right hand,” assisting where necessary.

Section 3. Treasurer: The Treasurer shall be responsible for keeping RESPTO financially sound, as well as the implementation of proper internal controls relating to accounting procedures. The Treasurer shall receive all monies of the organization, which should be counted and deposited within 48 hours of receipt. He/she shall have authority to sign checks on behalf of RESPTO. The Treasurer shall prepare an annual budget for the Executive Board’s review and approval. Additionally, a financial update shall be provided each month at the Executive Board meeting. Financial updates should also be readily available to any RESPTO member upon request. Duties and responsibilities extend to providing a year-end report (due date to be agreed upon by the President & Treasurer), filing of necessary tax forms with the Texas State Comptroller’s Office, maintaining proper insurance coverage for the organization (annually), and allowing for visual accessibility of finances to the President. The Treasurer has the authority to review and approve contracts before an Execuitve Board member may sign. Additionally, he/she shall also provide cost- benefit analysis for any PTO committee that requests it. He/she shall also have the authority to sign checks on behalf of RESPTO.

Section 4. VP of Fundraising: The VP of Fundraising will have the sole responsibility of finding and creating new fundraising opportunities for RESPTO each year through various activities, as approved by the President and the Principal.

Section 5. VP of Special Events: The VP of Special Events will be responsible for the oversight of all events at RES, ensuring proper support is provided for the execution of said event.

Section 6. VP of Volunteers: The VP of Volunteers shall serve as a liaison between the students and families of RES to ensure communication and consistency in the classroom. Additionally, he/she will make sure that volunteers are following Article IX: Section 3 and Article IV: Section 4.

Section 7. VP of Hospitality will be responsible for creating ways in which our parents can show appreciation and serve the faculty of RES.

Section 8. VP of Disbursements: The VP of Disbursements shall handle the allocation and disbursement of PTO funds from fundraising proceeds, general membership approval as necessary. The VP of Disbursements has the authority to review and approve contracts before an Execuive Boad member may sign.

Section 9. VP of Communications: The VP of Communications will be responsible for all communication between RES PTO members, RES families and staff. Duties will include publishing a monthly electronic newsletter, social media updates, website maintenance, training procedures, calendar maintenance, at the discretion of the President. The duties of each Executive Board member shall be clearly communicated to the potential candidate, and will also be in written form and contained within their related training doc.

ARTICLE VIII: Committee Chair Duties

The duties of each Committee Chair shall be clearly communicated to the potential candidate. All Committee Chairs will be required to adhere to and maintain a working budget, set by the Executive Board in advance. This budget shall be made available to the Executive Board as requested.


Section 1. With the exception of the provisions of Article IX, Section 2, all funds disbursed outside of the annual RESPTO budget must be approved by a majority vote of the RESPTO General Membership.

Section 2. The Executive Board shall have the authority to make financial decisions related to RES PTO at the beginning of the fiscal year and prior to the final approval of the budget. The budget must be approved by a majority vote of the Executive Board, prior to the first general meeting.

Section 3. The Executive Board shall have the authority to reallocate or disburse funds up to $2000 in a specific budgeted category, without a General Membership vote.

Section 4. RESPTO volunteers cannot pay vendors or spend money in excess of $100 on behalf of RESPTO and expect to be reimbursed without first (1) informing the Executive Board member supervising their committee or the President, or (2) submitting a prior written request to the Treasurer, and receiving in return written approval from the Treasurer.

Section 5. Any Executive Board member shall have the authority to sign contracts provided the Treasurer or VP of Disbursements has reviewed and approved said contract prior to signature.

Section 6. All expenses shall be submitted to the Treasurer for reimbursement within 45 days of transaction. All expenses incurred in May must be submitted for reimbursement by June 15th of the same calendar year.


Section 1. Robert’s Rules of Order, Revised, shall govern this organization.


Insurance coverage for the organization as a whole (including Membership, Officers, Liability, etc.) must be renewed each year and maintained as “current.”


These bylaws may be amended at any regular meeting of the Executive Board by a 2/3 majority vote of the members present. All prior approved votes shall not be overturned except by a majority of the Executive Board.